Shim et al., 2020, Automated rotator cuff tear classification using 3D convolutional neural network
# 세줄 요약 #
- Rotator cuff tear (RCT) is one of the most common shoulder injuries. When diagnosing RCT, skilled orthopedists visually interpret magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan data.
- MRI data from 2,124 patients were used to train and test the VRN-based 3D CNN to classify RCT into five classes (None, Partial, Small, Medium, Large-to-Massive).
- The VRN-based 3D CNN outperformed orthopedists specialized in shoulder orthopedists in binary accuracy (92.5 % vs. 76.4%), top-1 accuracy (69.0% vs. 45.8%), top-1±1 accuracy (87.5% vs. 79.8%).
# 상세 리뷰 #
* Author: Eungjune Shim, Joon Yub Kim, Jong Pil Yoon, Se‑Young Ki, Taewoo Lho, Youngjun Kim & Seok Won Chung
1. Introduction
- Convolutional neural networks (CNN) have frequently been shown to be successful at medical image classification.
- For example, Inception has shown specialist-level performance in classifying skin cancer, shoulder fracture detection, diabetic retinopathy.
- Much of the existing research on diagnosis using the classification method have limitations.
- 1. The preprocessing learning data requires the time-consuming manual labor of clinical experts
- because well-trained CNN need precise localization labels or segmentation masks from raw images.
- 2. Most of the previous methods of CNN(Vision deep learning) algorithms have focused on only 2D-based CNNs.
- Those 2D-based CNN outputs are the number of slices diagnosis, so the diagnosis result must be derived through some process that combines the different results into a single outcome.
- 2D slice-based CNN methods are susceptible to missing meaningful features found in 3D volume data.
- 1. The preprocessing learning data requires the time-consuming manual labor of clinical experts
- To overcome these problems, we propose a deep 3D-CNN method to classify rotator cuff tear (RCT), one of the most common shoulder injuries.
- The diagnosis of an RCT is largely based on the patient's symptoms, and accurate diagnosis is carried out using medical images
- MRI data are currently widely used to diagnose RCTs.
- Only the patient's diagnosis information (normal or RCT size) and simple region of interest (ROI) selection are needed for preprocessing.
- Our method uses fairly deep 3D CNN
- three-dimensionally extended inception-ResNet = Voxception-ResNet = VRN
- we also propose an effective visualization method using 3D volume rendering of class activation map (CAM).
- The diagnosis of an RCT is largely based on the patient's symptoms, and accurate diagnosis is carried out using medical images
- As a result, the proposed method automatically determines the RCT size in five categories and visualizes the 3D localization information of RCT as a second opinion for clinical decisions.
- 5 categories: None, Partial, Small, Medium, Large-to-Massive
2. Result
- Experiments
- Dataset: Total 2,124 MRI datasets (200 Test sets, 1,924 Training sets)
- Model: VRN-based 3D CNN (All training were conducted until epoch 100)
- Evaluation of the 3D CNN algorithm
- 1. Diagnosing RCTs (None vs RCT = binary classification): binary accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision and F1-score.
- 2. Classifying RCTs (5 categories of RCT): top-1 accuracy, top-1±1 accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic time.
- top-1±1 accuracy: Regarding one-size prediction error as correct (ex. Predicted tear "medium" = Correct in ground truth: "Small", "Medium", "Large")
- Evaluation of the diagnostic performance of human readers
- Comparing the performance of diagnosis and classification of RCT of 3D CNN with those of human readers
- Human readers: 13 general orthopedists & 4 orthopedic shoulder specialists
- Comparing Scores (CNN vs. Human): the top-1 accuracy, top-1±1 accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic time
- Comparing the performance of diagnosis and classification of RCT of 3D CNN with those of human readers
- Statistic 1. Diagnosing RCTs (None vs. RCT): binary accuracy
- VRN-based CNN: 92.5%
- orthopedic shoulder specialists: 76.4%
- general orthopedists: 68.2%
- Statistic 2. Classifying RCTs (5 categories of RCT): top-1±1 accuracy
- VRN-based CNN: 87.5%
- orthopedic shoulder specialists: 79.8%
- general orthopedists: 71.0%Statistics
* Reference: Shim, E., Kim, J.Y., Yoon, J.P. et al. Automated rotator cuff tear classification using 3D convolutional neural network. Sci Rep 10,15632 (2020).