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Wang et al., 2019, Pathology Image Analysis Using Segmentation Deep Learning Algorithms.

by 펄서까투리 2021. 12. 20.

# 세줄 요약 #

  1. With the rapid development of image scanning techniques and visualization software, whole slide imaging (WSI) is becoming a routine diagnostic method.
  2. Deep learning-based pathology image segmentation has become an important tool in WSI analysis because that algorithms such as fully convolutional networks stand out for their accuracy, computational efficiency, and generalizability.
  3. In this review, we are to provide quick guidance for implementing deep learning into pathology image analysis and to provide some potential ways of further improving segmentation performance.


# 상세 리뷰 #

1. Introduction

  • Convolutional neural network (CNN) introduced, which have been widely used for pathology image analysis, such as WSI patch classification, tumor region and metastasis detection.
  • To perform image segmentation for large data (eg, whole slide pathology image),
    • the image is divided into many small patches and classify those patches by CNN,
    • then all patches in the same class are combined into one segment area.
  • But image segmentation from classifying patch method demands a substantial computing time and memory (to overcome segmentation resolution, generate too many patches),
    • So this paper provides the segmentation deep-learning algorithms that refer to semantic or instance segmentation algorithms
    • that are more computationally efficient in pixel classification & extract detailed image information.

Fig 1. Illustration of convolution operation in a typical segmentation neural network. [Ref. Wang et al., 2019]
Fig 2. Flow chart of pathology image analysis using segmentation deep learning algorithms. [Wang et al., 2019]


2.  Dataset and Preprocessing

  • Pathology images are usually as large as giga-pixels, so the pathology images should first be chopped into small patches that are resized or padded at the same size before being fed to the neural network.
  • Image normalization ensure that different features have a similar effect on the response, because normalization helps accelerate convergence in a step-wise gradient algorithm
    • rescale: [0, 1] or [-1, 1]
    • standardization: mean = 0, varience = 1
  • Because pathology images may look very different due to different staining conditions and slide thickness,
    • it is important to use color augmentation to mimic practical differences and ignore systematic biases by adding a random mean and multiplying a random variation to each channel of each image.


3. Model Selection and Construction

  • Model Selection:
    • 1) semantic segmentation is to segment image parts with a different meaning (ex. FCN, U-Net, DeepLab),
    • 2) instance segmentation, which detects the region of interest (ROI) for each instance first, then classification and segmentation are applied to the same ROI in parallel (ex. Mask R-CNN).
    • Finally, choosing a proper backbone network structure is critical for successful approximation (see Table 2).

Fig 3. Example of nuclei segmentation in a pathology image. left: stained image patch from the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST), middle: semantic segmentation result, right: instance segmentation result. [Wang et al., 2019]
Fig 4. Illustration of encoder and decoder network for semantic segmentation (A) and instance segmentation (B). [Wang et al., 2019]


  • Loss Function:
    • 1) for semantic segmentation, the most common loss function is pixel-wise cross-entropy between the network outputs and the true segmentation annotations,
    • 2) For instance segmentation, the losses are composed of three parts
      • categorical classification cross-entropy
      • bound-box regression L1 loss
      • pixel-wise binary cross-entropy).
  • Training phase:
    • The training phase is a process to update model parameters and is composed of alternating forward and backward propagations,
    • but the loss function of neural networks is usually not convex,
    • so we choose
      • transfer learning (used backbone and using pre-trained weights as initial parameters) 
      • Autoencoder (reconstruct the inputs before supervised learning).


* Reference: Wang, Shidan, et al. "Pathology image analysis using segmentation deep learning algorithms." The American journal of pathology 189.9 (2019): 1686-1698.

