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Udalski et al., 2016, Gaia and Variable Stars # 세줄 요약 # We present a comparison of the Gaia DR1 samples of pulsating variable stars with the OGLE Collection of Variable Stars aiming at the characterization of the Gaia mission performance in the stellar variability domain. Out of 575 Cepheids and 2322 RR Lyrae candidates from the Gaia DR1 samples located in the OGLE footprint in the sky, 559 Cepheids and 2302 RR Lyrae stars are genuine pulsa.. 2022. 2. 20.
Richtler et al., 2017, The globular cluster system of NGC 1316. IV. Nature of the star cluster complex SH2 # 세줄 요약 # The light of the merger remnant NGC 1316 (Fornax A) is dominated by old and intermediate-age stars but the only sign of current star formation in this big galaxy is the Hii region SH2, an isolated star cluster complex. We want to investigate the nature of this star cluster complex, so the nebular emission lines permit a metallicity determination that can discriminate between a dwarf ga.. 2022. 1. 16.
van Dokkum et al, 2018, An Enigmatic Population of Luminous Globular Clusters in a Galaxy Lacking Dark Matter # 세줄 요약 # We recently found an ultra-diffuse galaxy (UDG) called NGC1052-DF2 with a half-light radius of Re = 2.2 kpc and little or no dark matter. Their properties are similar to ω Centauri (the brightest and largest globular cluster in the Milky Way), but that the luminosity function of metal-poor globular clusters is not universal and a factor of ∼1000 removed from the relation between globul.. 2022. 1. 2.
Chies-Santos et al., 2012, An optical/NIR survey of globular clusters in early-type galaxies. III. On the colour bimodality of globular cluster systems # 세줄 요약 # We study optical/near-infrared (NIR) colour distributions of the GC systems in 14 E/S0 galaxies. We find that double-peaked colour distributions are more commonly seen in optical than in optical/NIR colours A bimodal optical colour distribution is not necessarily an indication of an underlying bimodal metallicity distribution. # 상세 리뷰 # 1. Introduction AIM: Study optical/NIR color dist.. 2021. 10. 10.
Cohen & Blakeslee & Ryzhov, 1998, The Ages and Abundances of a Large Sample of M87 Globular Clusters # 세줄 요약 # Combining the new (20 GCs; this paper) and existing data (150 GCs; Cohen & Ryzhov, 1997) for the galactic GCs (Globular clusters) and comparing the (U-R) colors and the line indices gave qualitative indications for the ages and abundances of M87 GC system. We find that the M87 GCs span a wide range in metallicity, from very metal-poor to somewhat above solar metallicity. The behavior o.. 2021. 8. 28.
Pota et al., 2015, A SLUGGS and Gemini/GMOS combined study of the elliptical galaxyM60: wide-field photometry and kinematics of the globular cluster system # 세줄 요약 # We present new wide-field photometry and spectroscopy of the globular clusters (GCs) around NGC 4649 (M60), the third brightest galaxy in the Virgo cluster. We confirm significant GC colour bimodality and find that the red GCs are more centrally concentrated, while the blue GCs are more spatially extended. We find that formation via a major merger between two gas-poor galaxies, followe.. 2021. 8. 23.
Blakeslee et al., 2012, Optical and Infrared Photometry of Globular Clusters in NGC 1399: Evidence for Color–Metarllicity Nonlinearity # 세줄요약 # We combine new Wide Field Camera 3 IR Channel (WFC3/IR) F160W (H160) imaging data for NGC 1399, the central galaxy in the Fornax cluster, with archival F475W (g475), F606W (V606), F814W (I814), and F850LP (z850) optical data from the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). Consistent with the differing color distributions, the dependence of I814−H160 on g475−I814 for the matched GC sample is.. 2021. 8. 2.
Cho et al., 2016, The Globular Cluster System of the Coma cD Galaxy NGC 4874 from Hubble Space Telescope ACS and WFC3/IR Imaging # 세줄요약 # Coma 은하단의 cD 타입 은하인 NGC 4874의 구상성단계를 연구한 논문으로 가시광선(Optical) 영역에서는 HST/ACS를 사용하여 g, I 파장대에서 관측하였고, 근적외선(Near-IR) 영역에서는 HST/WFC3를 사용하여 H 파장대에서 관측하였다. Optical color인 (g-I)에서는 구상성단(GC: Globular Cluster)들의 Bimodality가 나타나나, Optical-NIR color인 (I-H)에서는 GC들의 Bimodality가 약화되는 것으로 보인다. Metallicity에 더 민감한 Optical-NIR color에서는 Bimodality가 약화된 것으로 보아 Nonlinear Color-Metallicity Relation을 가지는 것으로 유추.. 2020. 7. 28.
Yoon et al., 2006, Explaining the Color Distributions of Globular Cluster Systems in Elliptical Galaxies # 세줄 요약 # The globular clusters(GC) in most large elliptical galaxies have color-bimodal distribution that means the presence of two cluster subpopulations that have different geneses(ex. Milky Way). But Horizontal-Branch(HB) stars can make nonlinear nature of the metallicity-to-color transformation, a coeval group of old clusters with a unimodal metallicity spread can exhibit color bimodality. .. 2020. 7. 24.