# Three-line Summary #
- In recent years, deep learning has been shown to be one of the leading machine learning techniques for a wide variety of inference tasks.
- In addition to its mainstream applications, such as classification, it has created transformative opportunities for image reconstruction and enhancement in optical microscopy.
- This article provides an overview of some of the recent work using deep neural networks to advance computational microscopy and sensing systems, also covering their current and future biomedical applications.
# Detail Review #
1. Introduction
- Deep learning is a set of machine learning techniques that use multilayered neural networks to automatically analyze signals or data.
- Deep networks have proven to be very effective for a wide variety of tasks ranging from natural language processing to image classification and playing games, such as Go, among others.
- Several types of deep networks, such as long short-term memory (LSTM) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have been developed over decades of research.
- Recently, a "perfect storm" of optimized software, hardware (e.g., increased GPU power), and data availability have allowed deep learning (specifically CNNs) to be used as a recipe to tackle complex problems in many fields of research most notably in computer vision.
- In this article, we will focus on deep neural networks' transformative power to solve inverse problems in microscopy using image data.
- Beyond classification, deep learning presents many interesting opportunities to solve classical inverse problems in imaging, such as deblurring, super-resolution, denoising, and pixel super-resolution (or geometrical super-resolution).
- In microscopy, variables such as the physical properties of illumination, light-sample interaction, sample preparation, and positioning are fully under the user's control.
- Therefore, the gold-standard image data can often be experimentally generated rather than simulated.
- In order to solve a microscopy-related inverse problem using deep learning, a neural network must be trained using a set of matching input and ground truth (or gold standard) images.
- we first discuss the implementation strategies for using deep networks in microscopic image reconstruction and enhancement.
- we then discuss examples of inverse problems in microscopy that can be solved using deep learning.
2. Brief overview of inverse problems in optical microscopy
- The three imaging modalities in optical microscopy
- (1) Bright-field microscopy: white light illumination is modulated by the light-sample interaction and is collected by an objective lens.
- (2) Fluorescence microscopy: using an illumination source to excite the fluorophores in the sample being imaged.
- (3) Digital holographic microscopy: illuminating the sample with coherent light and uses, e.g., a transmission geometry to create an interference pattern of the sample's transmission function.
- For a microscopic imaging system, the discrete imaging forward model, which sets the stage for an inverse imaging problem, can be written as [ g = Hf + n ] (* f = object; g = measurement information; H = mapping operator; n = noise).
- (1) Deconvolution or deblurring: [ g = h*f + n ] (* h = low-pass filter, gaussian kernel or blurring kernel; * = spatial convolution operator)
- (2) Super-resolution: optical, computational, and statistical techniques have been developed to break the diffraction limit (smallest feature d = ∧/2NA; ∧ = illumination wavelength, NA = numerical aperture) and achieve super-resolution in fluorescence microscopy (some of these fluorescence super-resolution techniques require specialized and expensive equipment, with relatively high-power illumination and a large number of image exposures).
- A primary example of deep learning being used in optical microscopy has been for spatial resolution enhancement using deep learning.
- Deep learning has been shown to be able to leverage large amounts of well-registered image data to learn statistical transformations through high levels of abstraction in order to improve upon conventional super-resolution and image-enhancement algorithms and achieve superior results.
- Deep neural networks typically learn to solve inverse imaging problems through supervised learning that utilizes "gold-standard" labels that are known in advance and are matched to corresponding input images.
3. Deep learning as a framework to solve inverse problems in optical microscopy
- To transform images taken by a cost-effective smartphone-based microscope into images equivalent to those taken by a high-quality benchtop microscope.
- This training dataset will consist of inputs made up of cellphone images and the gold-standard label images of the same samples taken by the benchtop microscope.
- Once image data have been coregistered(smartphone & benchtop microscope), a GAN that uses a U-net as the generator and a VGGNet style network as the discriminator can be chosen.
- The conversion of a low-resolution image into a higher-resolution image, where both the input and ground truth (higher resolution image) are taken by the same microscope.
- scanning the same samples with a low-NA and high-NA objective lens.
- This super-resolution image enhancement has been demonstrated for fluorescence, bright field, and coherent (holographic) imaging systems.
- To learn a statistical transformation between two different microscopic imaging modalities.
- Learning these cross-modality transformations where the ground truth image set is made up of images taken by a different microscope allows the network to achieve results that are not possible using standard forward model-based inverse problem solutions.
- Using this deep learning-based approach, cost-effective or simpler microscopes can take the same quality of measurements as the gold-standard microscopes
* Reference: de Haan, Kevin, et al. "Deep-learning-based image reconstruction and enhancement in optical microscopy." Proceedings of the IEEE 108.1 (2019): 30-50.