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[Review] Liu, Jin, et al., 2021, A survey on applications of deep learning in microscopy image analysis.

by 펄서까투리 2022. 9. 27.

# Three-line Summary #

  1. Microscopy images typically vary in signal-to-noise ratios and include a wealth of information that requires multiple parameters and time-consuming iterative algorithms for processing, but deep learning technologies develop quickly, and they have been applied in bioimage processing more and more frequently.
  2. This review article introduces the applications of deep learning algorithms in microscopy image analysis, which include image classification, region segmentation, object tracking, and super-resolution reconstruction.
  3. Furthermore, the latest development of augmented intelligent microscopy that is based on deep learning technology may lead to a revolution in biomedical research.


# Detail Review #

1. Introduction

  • With the developments of optics and computer science, advanced technologies of microscopy have opened up new eyesight for biomedical researchers.
    • Fluorescence microscopy, such as confocal and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) have been widely used in biomedical research to observe subcellular structures with specific labeling.
    • Super-resolution microscopy is a new trend of microscope development that breaks the diffraction limit and records biological processes at the nanometer scale.
    • But due to imaging constraints and diffraction limitation, conventional fluorescence microscopy images always have relatively low resolution and poor signal-to-noise, for which traditional image analysis methods could not have a robust performance.
  • Nowadays, deep learning has developed and evolved in all aspects of scientific fields, especially in the field of image processing.
    • Different from traditional image processing methods, one of the key advantages of deep learning is that its layers of features are not designed by humans.
    • Deep learning is able to learn from end to end itself and does not require complex manual computation but result annotation instead.
  • This review is organized in order of applications of deep learning in microscopy image analysis, and we categorize them into 4 groups according to the main research targets.
    • Applications of deep learning in microscopy image analysis: Classification, Segmentation, Tracking, Reconstruction
    • As for SMLM, CNN-based single-molecule localization models can be helpful to speed up the data-processing procedure with robustness.
    • Intelligent augmented microscopy: combines microscopy with deep learning, enables super-resolution imaging and high-content, efficient, real-time analysis.

* [Ref.] Liu, Zhichao, et al. "A survey on applications of deep learning in microscopy image analysis."  Computers in Biology and Medicine  134 (2021): 104523.
* [Ref.] Liu, Zhichao, et al. "A survey on applications of deep learning in microscopy image analysis."  Computers in Biology and Medicine  134 (2021): 104523.



2. Classification

2.1. Deep learning-based classifiers

  • As deep learning develops, neural network classifiers, especially those based on convolution neural networks (CNN), are growing in popularity.
  • Most of the CNN models contain two parts, the feature extraction module consisting of convolution and pooling layers and the classification module consisting of fully-connected layers. (AlexNet, VggNet, GoogLeNet, ResNet).

2.2. Applications of deep learning-based classifiers

  • Cellular and subcellular classification: deep learning-based classifiers were able to identify different types of cells and cells at different stages of differentiation with high accuracy.
  • Disease diagnosis: Researchers have proposed several classifiers to identify white blood cells or other human diseases (lung cancer subtypes, diagnosis of hepatic granuloma, breast cancer, colon cancer).

* [Ref.] Liu, Zhichao, et al. "A survey on applications of deep learning in microscopy image analysis."  Computers in Biology and Medicine  134 (2021): 104523.


3. Segmentation

3.1. Deep learning-based segmentation methods

  • Image segmentation is the process of dividing an image into several regions with certain properties that people are interested in that can be divided into semantic-level segmentation and instance-level segmentation.
  • Semantic segmentation classifies each pixel in an image into the foreground and background (FCN, U-Net).
  • Instance-level segmentation is based on target detection, which identifies different objects in the image and classifies them (R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN).

3.2. Applications of deep learning-based segmentation methods

  • Diagnose for diseases: Methods for highly accurate cell detection and segmentation are greatly needed in drug discovery and cancer research.
  • Intracellular compartment segmentation: Besides segmentation on a single-cell scale, deep learning also performs well on the subcellular and tissue scale.
  • Tissue image analysis: Segmentation methods based on deep learning also play an important role in tissue image analysis.

* [Ref.] Liu, Zhichao, et al. "A survey on applications of deep learning in microscopy image analysis."  Computers in Biology and Medicine  134 (2021): 104523.


4. Tracking

4.1. Deep learning-based object tracking

  • Object tracking is the task of following objects through a series of time-lapse images that tasks can be divided into two steps, instance-level localization and data association.
  • The most commonly used networks for localization used by Mask R-CNN (used to segment and track nucleus and microtubule in a cell) and data association used by RNN + LSTM (preserve previous information and enable the model to memorize).

4.2. Applications of deep learning-based object tracking in microscopy image

  • Cell tracking:
    • To determine the drug treatment effects on cancer cells,
    • To perform rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing
    • To analyze tumor cell metastasis, wound healing, and neural crest migration.
  • Intracellular particle tracking: A deep learning-based software for automated kymograph analysis called KymoButler was developed to visualize the dynamics of fluorescent particles, molecules, vesicles, and organelles along a predictable trajectory.

* [Ref.] Liu, Zhichao, et al. "A survey on applications of deep learning in microscopy image analysis."  Computers in Biology and Medicine  134 (2021): 104523.


5. Reconstruction

5.1. Deep learning-based image reconstruction

  • Conventional super-resolution microscopy
    • (1) The modification of point spread functions (PSFs): structured illumination microscopy (SIM) & stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED).
    • (2) Single-molecule localization and complicated imaging analysis algorithm: photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) & stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) & super-resolution radial fluctuations (SRRF).
  • Apart from traditional convolution network, GANs is a promising model for microscopy image reconstruction that consists of two parts,
    • A generator (usually an FCN or U-Net, which is used to generate an image)
    • A discriminator (usually a CNN, which is used to discriminate whether the generated image is real or fake).

5.2. Applications of deep learning-based reconstruction in microscopy image

  • Optimization of the imaging parameters, image denoising & image restoration:
    • The fluorescent-labeled biological samples usually vary in quality, thus one would use different laser power, scanning speed, and exposure times to meet the requirements
    • Deep learning networks have been used to automatically set the parameters for imaging, which enable the imaging system to be adaptive.
  • Acceleration of imaging speed:
    • single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) sacrifices temporal resolution for spatial resolution and has limitations on the visualization of live cells.
    • But CNN-based single-molecule localization models can be helpful to speed up the data-processing procedure with robustness (ex. Deep-STORM, ANNA-PALM).
  • Cross-modality super-resolution reconstruction:
    • The GANs have been used to enable super-resolution imaging across different microscope systems (image-to-image translation), that is, converting diffraction-limited input images to super-resolved ones.

* [Ref.] Liu, Zhichao, et al. "A survey on applications of deep learning in microscopy image analysis."  Computers in Biology and Medicine  134 (2021): 104523.


* Reference: Liu, Zhichao, et al. "A survey on applications of deep learning in microscopy image analysis." Computers in Biology and Medicine 134 (2021): 104523.

